Artificial Turf for General Contractors in Los Angeles, CA

At SYNLawn Los Angeles, we offer general contractors, landscapers, and other installers in Los Angeles, California high-quality artificial grass and synthetic turf products. Our stunning artificial turf is durable, low maintenance, and drought-friendly. We also offer a number of highly specialized synthetic turf products to help fit the needs of various residential and commercial projects. Some examples of our specialized turf include pet grass, playground turf, and artificial golf greens. So no matter what artificial grass installation project you are hired for or working on, we have the quality artificial turf you need to help ensure your clients are satisfied. 

Our Selection of Synthetic Grass Products

For general contractors in Los Angeles, CA, we offer a wide selection of synthetic grass and artificial turf products. These products are ideal for numerous, specialized installations on residential and commercial properties. Some of the many types of synthetic turf we offer include: 

By working with us at SYNLawn Los Angeles, general contractors gain access to all of our high-quality artificial turf products.

Benefits of Artificial Turf from SYNLawn Los Angeles

Lush, Green Beauty

No matter which of our artificial turf products you choose or need for your project, each of them will provide your client with lush, green beauty. Unlike traditional grass, our synthetic turf products do not change over time. For example, they will not turn brown, develop patches or holes, or die off entirely. As a result, our artificial grass and synthetic turf products will provide whatever space they are installed on with continuous green beauty throughout their long lifespan. 

Low Maintenance

Lawn maintenance can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor for any home or business owner. General contractors can help their clients eliminate the hassles of lawn maintenance with our glamorous artificial grass. It never needs to be trimmed with a lawn mower, treated with fertilizers and other chemicals, de-weeded, or even watered. As a result of including our synthetic grass in their plans, general contractors can help their clients focus on doing other things – rather than worrying about lawn maintenance.

SYNLawn Los Angeles CA commercial artificial grass for office buildings campus courtyards


Our artificial grass is excellent for general contractors and their projects because it is immensely durable. Often, surfaces like traditional grass can succumb to everyday wear and tear. This can cause the overall look of a home or business to be less than ideal. Thankfully, our American-made artificial grass is manufactured to withstand all kinds of wear and tear, including foot traffic and the weather. 

Some of our specialized synthetic turf products are extra durable as well. For example, our artificial pet grass is extra durable to resist digging, and our putting green turf resists damage from swinging clubs. But no matter which product you choose, you can rest assured that it is built to last!

SYNLawn Los Angeles CA commercial artificial grass for office buildings plaza courtyards

Water Conservation

In Los Angeles as well as the rest of California, droughts are sadly frequent. In many instances of drought, local water officials will limit what water can be used for. Typically, they will restrict the watering of standard grass lawns, which inevitably causes them to die off and leave only dirt behind. Fortunately, our artificial grass never needs to be watered! This not only allows homes and businesses to save money and conserve water, but it also allows them to own a beautiful green lawn – even during droughts.

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Browse our incredible selection of high-quality products to find the right synthetic turf for your needs.

SYNAugustine 847

SYNAugustine 847
SKU: SA847 | Total Weight: 80 oz | Limited lifetime warranty*

Pound-for-pound, the thickest, most dense artificial turf style available With a low pile-height, close-knit thatch, and realistic grass blades packed with Super Yarn Technology. An ideal turf option for Pet owners, Commercial Pet facilities, and Golfers.

SYNAugustine X47

SYNAugustine X47
SKU: SAX47 | Total Weight: 100 oz | Limited lifetime warranty*

A TOP SELLER, this grass variety rises above the competition with the safest and softest turf blades and incredible durability. Featuring Super Yarn technology, the multi-color grass blades and dense thatch combine to make this the #1 contender.

SYNTipede 321

SYNTipede 321
SKU: ST321 | Total Weight: 80 oz | Limited lifetime warranty*

Just like its natural counterpart, SYNTipede is known for being tough. The tallest in the collection including Super Yarn technology creating a durable surface perfect for active children and pets and peace of mind for all types of landscaping projects.

SYNTipede X43

SYNTipede X43
SKU: STX43 | Total Weight: 100 oz | Limited lifetime warranty*

Unmatched durability with an unexpected soft touch makes this turf variety using Super Yarn an ideal selection for high foot traffic applications, including school playgrounds, public parks, and multiple commercial uses.

Get an Artificial Grass Quote for Your Projects!

In Los Angeles, CA and other Southern California communities, general contractors, landscapers, and other turf installers need high-quality artificial grass products to please their clientele. Fortunately, at SYNLawn Los Angeles, we can supply your artificial grass installation business with various types of high-quality synthetic turf. Each of our artificial turf products provides lasting beauty without the need for time-consuming or costly maintenance. They can also help homes and businesses conserve water! So contact us today to get a quote for your artificial grass project!